New Narrative - The Power of Words

Remember the old adage, Sticks and stones May break my bones But words Will never hurt me It is a lie. It is a bold faced lie, and we all know it. Words have the power to not only injure, but also to destroy. These words that have such destructive power are a part of the negative narrative that many young people hear each and every day. The good news is that words also have the power to heal, and also to build. Simple words have such incredible power. Words such as these are a part of the new narrative which we can begin to speak into the lives of the young people with whom we live. After we have taken the time and energy to create a safe space for our children to genuinely be themselves (see New Narrative - Voices and Images ), new words - a new narrative - can be spoken into the space. Be aware, this new space is fragile. It is a space that must be honored and handled with care. It is a space that is open to the possibility of something new. Into this wonderful space, i...