Getting Ready for Israel

In less than a week, I will travel to Israel. It has been a goal of mine to make this trek for years. I have long imagined what it might be like to see the western wall, to walk the Via Dolorosa, to visit the Chirch of the Nativity, to behold the Dome of the Rock and to wade in the Jordan River. While there, I will get to see so these and so many other incredible sites that speak directly to the history of my faith and the faith traditions of people throughout the world. It is mind boggling to think of the faithful people who have walked those streets and alleyways before me. It is overwhelming to consider the millions of pilgrims from three different faith traditions who have made this journey and have been transformed along the way. I go to not only experience these amazing places, but also to interact with wonderful people who call that land their home. I travel to discover what it might be like to develop an interfaith program for college students from Indianapolis who represe...