Day One - Arrival

We arrived safely in Israel. The flights were great and uneventful (I even got some much needed sleep on the way). Upon arrival we drove to Jerusalem. The conversation in the car was stimulating and the scenery outside the car was a wonder. The most notable part of the scenery was the wall - THE Wall. This is the wall of division, the wall of strife, the wall of dissension. The division is ever present and evident, and I have only been here for less than a day. 

Tave and I went for a quick walk through the Damascus Gate and into the Old City. The market was beautiful and lively. The sites, sounds and smells were even more overwhelming than I had imagined. The people are ncredibly friendly and are interested in what it is that we are doing here. This is serving as even more confirmation that we may be on to something. 

One question has been continuously bouncing about in my already overwhelmed mind. Who are the perveyers of this fear, this animosity, this hatred that dwells along the religious line? Is it the people? Is it the clergy? Is it the power brokers? 

I sense that this is only the beginning of the questions that will haunt my heart and mind as a result of this journey.

Ephesians 2:14 For he is our peace; in his flesh he has made both groups into one and has broken down the dividing wall, that is, the hostility between us.

May God richly bless you. 


Tower of David
Old City Market
Damascus Gate


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