New Narrative - Mission Experiences

There is only one spot remaining for the Middle School trip Several weeks ago, I wrote a blog entitled " New Narrative - Positive Risk Taking " (if interested, you can read it by clicking on the title). The point of the post is the felt and real need for risk taking in the lives of teens, and how we might provide positive avenues for that risk taking. One idea that was mentioned in the post was service or mission experiences. Why should we consider encouraging our young people to participate in such mission experiences? We provide such experiences for the youth of Second Presbyterian Church for several reasons. We believe these mission trips are unique and give our youth the opportunity to... (1) become "other" focused, (2) give of themselves and their faith to help those in need, (3) further expand their world and world-view, (4) interact with our brothers and sisters in diverse communities and their rich cultural heritage, (5) practice positive risk ...