Prayers of the People - October 21, 2012

Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer 
written by Brian Shivers

Almighty God, we come to you this morning from many different places.  Some of us are so overwhelmed by the chaos of noise that we cannot find the quiet that can lead to rest; others of us have arrived with stillness in our souls and we await the sound of your voice to lead us. 
We listen…

Help each of us to hear our own needs as well as the needs of our neighbors. 

Where there are walls erected, grant us the courage to shatter the barriers and construct bridges in their place; SILENCE

Where there is hunger, move our hands to share your bounty in order that both plates and stomachs might be filled; SILENCE

Where there is violence, may we be agents of your spirit of peace and justice; SILENCE
We wait…
God of strength and mercy, this morning we pray for those who carry the weight of anxiety, depression, or loss.  Grant them the peace of your spirit and the promise of your presence. SILENCE

We pray for the present and future leaders of our communities, our state, our nation and our world.  Give them wisdom to lead with strength of character and renewed dedication to civility in the process. SILENCE

We pray for the injured, the sick, the outcast, the dying.  In the midst of the storms of life, surround them with the quiet healing power of your presence.  SILENCE

God, give us the nerve to wait for your Spirit when we want to charge ahead. 
Give us the willingness to listen when we really want to speak. 
Then grant us daring faith to speak and act where your Spirit might lead.
We trust…

No matter where we might find ourselves, remind us of your love and help us to share that love with others as we participate in the coming of your kingdom around us.  Teach us to pray as you once taught your disciples to pray, saying
Our Father…


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