Ringing in the New Year

'Tis the season for holiday get togethers, toasts, and resolutions! In the craziness that is the busy holiday season, it can be difficult to find the time to be introspective. There is so much to attend to and so many things that must be done. I must confess that some of the pressures of the holiday time do nothing more than add stress and a level of guilt to an already hectic life. It is easy for me to feel a little bit like a "pushmi-pullyu" of Dr. Doolittle fame. It seems as though there is always something for me to do next and somewhere for me to go. Maybe it's just me. As we quickly approach the ringing in of 2013, the Shivers family is going to do something different. We are going think through what we would like to make a priority together this coming year. It is not a "resolution" or an add on to an already busy life. Rather, it is an examination of those things that we are already passionate about. We will look at them to...