Making Things
Humans have always been good at making things. Our earliest ancestors figured out quite early that a rock could be used as a weapon, a tool, and a canvas. Not long after, some of those rocks were transformed into spearheads, wheels, and vessels. Those who have gone before have fashioned objects out of wood, stone, bronze, and iron. Our imagination and ingenuity led to the development of the printing press, steam engine, cotton gin, light bulb, automobile, and computer. In 1963 the US Patent office received over 90,000 patent applications and awarded nearly 49,000 patents. In the year 2011, some 500,000 patent applications were received and nearly a quarter million were awarded (see the full chart here ). There really seems to be no limit to what we humans can make. And, this is a wonderful thing! We celebrate the creative genius that gives birth to innovation and invention. It is part of what makes us uniquely human. Unfortu...