Re-post: Faith of Clinched Fists and Open Hands

Religion has taken a huge hit in our culture lately. There is no doubt that some of the criticism that has been levied against organized religions (including the one where I have found my home) and their institutions is much deserved. There is more than enough hate, vitriolic speech, and ugly actions all in the name of god to prove the critics right in their assessments. In spite of all of this "evidence", I feel the need to somehow come to the defense of organized religion and those who belong to these groups. I am convinced that organized religion is not the enemy; neither are the faithful people who are striving hard to be faithful within the structures organized religion provides them. The problem is not even faith itself, even though some modern thinkers, philosophers, and pundits would like us to believe it is true. No, the problem is and seemingly always has been with certitude - the kind of certitude that builds an impermeable wall around itself. ...