Litany for Peace

On days like today, I have no words. On days like these, we pray.

Below is a litany that was written for World Peace Day.  It was shared during staff prayers today.  It is adapted from The Worshipbook, Westminster Press, 1970.

Remember, O Lord, the people of this world
divided into many nations, religions, and tongues.
Deliver us from every evil that stands in the way of your saving purpose,
and fulfill the promise of peace on earth
among those with whom you are well pleased;
through Jesus Christ. Amen.

From the curse of war and the human sin that causes war,
O Lord, deliver us.
From pride that turns its back on you,
and from unbelief that will not bow to you,
O Lord, deliver us.
From national vanity that poses as patriotism,
and from loud-mouthed boasting and blind self-worship
that admit no guilt,
O Lord, deliver us.
From self-righteousness that will not compromise,
and from selfishness that glories in the oppression of others,
O Lord, deliver us.
From the lust for property or power that drives humanity to kill,
O Lord, deliver us.
From trusting in the weapons of war,
and mistrusting the councils of peace,
O Lord, deliver us.
From hearing, believing, and speaking lies
about other nations and religions,
O Lord, deliver us.
From groundless suspicions and fears
that stand in the way of reconciliation,
O Lord, deliver us.
From words and deeds that encourage discord, prejudice, and hatred;
from everything that prevents the human family
from fulfilling your promise of peace,
O Lord, deliver us.

Lord of Israel, and God of all the nations:
we pray for your children across the whole earth,
of every land and race, that they may be strong to do your will.

We pray especially for the church in the world,
Give us your peace, O Lord.
For the United Nations,
Give us your peace, O Lord.
For international federations and alliances
promoting cooperation among peoples,
Give us your peace, O Lord.
For world leaders, and for departments of state,
ambassadors and diplomats,
Give us your peace, O Lord.
For those in military service,
that they may live for the establishment of peace and justice,
Give us your peace, O Lord.
For all who in any way work or pray to further the cause of peace and goodwill,
Give us your peace, O Lord.
For civilians in every land,
Give us your peace, O Lord.
For those who declare themselves enemies,
that at last we may find reconciliation,
Give us your peace, O Lord.

Eternal God:
Use us, even in our ignorance and weakness,
to bring about your holy will on earth.
Hurry the day when people shall live together in your love;
for yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen.


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