Prayers of the People - 1 Kings 19:1-16 - June 23, 2013
This prayer is based on 1 Kings 19:1-16. The lectionary text for Sunday, June 23. And the beautiful sermon preached by Rev. Caroline Dennis. Let us pray... Like Elijah, O God, we are tempted to run and hide from you and from self during the storms of life. There it seems as though our very lives are at risk. Sometimes they actually are, and we feel empty, abandoned. The torrent of the winds of life threatens to tear our world apart. All around us we see despair, hunger, disease, and hardship. In the midst of the noise of the billowing winds, help us to hear the stillness of yur voice. The earth beneath our feet seems to be moving. We have lost jobs, difficulty in our relationships, struggle to make ends meet, and are overwhelmed by life itself. When our feet are unsteady, help us to listen to the ways in which you call and lead us. The flames of fear, worry, and doubt seek to consume us and everything around us. Anxiety fills our minds and apprehensio...