I Am in Love - spoken word poem

I am in love.
I am in love with a woman...
who is more woman than the man I will ever be; 
who is more than the image of beauty the world tries to sell her;
who is more than her curves. 

I am in love. 
I am in love with a woman... 
who possesses a mind that is an amazingly beautiful mystery 
       full of more intelligence than anyone I have ever met;
who is passionately in love with the world 
       and the people who fill it. 

Oh yes, I am in love. 
I am in love with a woman...
who is the most incredible creature to grace the face of this planet (or any other);
       her eyes, full of light,
       her skin, silky to caress,
       her scent, home to me. 

I am in love. 
I am in love with a woman... 
who desires to be exactly who she is created to be 
       even though that remains unknown;
who is courageous enough to keep fighting 
       as time unfolds the who she has yet to be. 

I am in love. 
I am in love with a woman... 
who defies definition;
who dares you 
       to corner her into your anemic preconceived notions 
             of what it means to be...
who craves justice 
       and weeps for those who are left out because they don't have.

I say it again, I am in love
I am in love with a woman...
who is confident to lead;
who understands that others may classify her as a bitch, 
       when in reality 
       she is the only one in the room 
           who possesses the courage to be out in front;
who isn't held back by others insecurities.  

Don't know if you heard me, 
but I am in love. 
I am in love with a woman... 
who is not done;
who cannot wait to see what is next;
who refuses to miss what is now. 

I am in love
I am in love with a woman 
who is convinced that all of this cannot be about her,
      and yet 
           it is.

Ah, I am in love with a woman 
        who loves me. 
I am in love with a woman. 
I am in love. 

for Jennifer Shivers. I am thankful for you and your love.


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