Little Goblins at My Door
I love Halloween. Yeah, I said it. I love Halloween. I came to this love naturally. My father was one of the biggest fans of this day. He was a master story teller who could hold even the biggest skeptic spellbound by his haunted tales. He could put together an incredibly frightening haunted trail and spine tingling spook house. He could also put the scare into trick-or-treating with realistic ghoulish makeup on his children's faces. As much as he loved all of the tricks and treats, he really saw this day as an opportunity to have fun, enjoy family, celebrate friendship, and welcome neighbors. That is really why he loved Halloween. Now, I may not share my dad's flare for a good ghost story, and I am really not all that fond of things that go bump in the night. However, I do share dad's love for what Halloween can mean for community. This is one day when I have the opportunity to greet my neighbors and new comers alike at my door, if even for a few moments. Halloween pro...