Fear's Place

Fear has no place
     in gospel.
Fear of someone being treated equally
     is not gospel.
Fear of someone's skin tone
     is not gospel.
Fear of who someone worships
     is not gospel.
Fear of the land from which someone hails
     is not gospel.
Fear of the accent with which someone speaks
     is not gospel.
Fear of who someone else is attracted to
     is not gospel.
Fear of the pronouns which someone uses to identity themselves
     is not gospel.
Fear of someone's mother tongue
     is not gospel.
Fear of someone's religious devotion or clothing
     is not gospel.
Fear of someone's dietary habits or lack thereof
     is not gospel.
Fear of missing out on something "deserved" because someone's basic needs are being met
     is not gospel.
Fear of someone's individuality or identity
     is not gospel.
Fear has no place
     in gospel.


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