
Showing posts from June, 2017

Holding Space

( a poem) I do not understand  your fears, but I have been  afraid before; this is our shared humanity.  Maybe  we could  hold space  for one another. I do not understand   your pain, but I have been  hurt before; this is our shared humanity.  Maybe  we could  hold space  for one another. I do not understand  your loss, but I have lost before; this is our shared humanity.  Maybe  we could  hold space  for one another. I do not understand  your anxiety, but I have been anxious before; this is our shared humanity.  Maybe  we could  hold space  for one another. I do not understand  your anger, but I have been angry before; this is our shared humanity.  Maybe  we could  hold space  for one another. I do not understand  your passion, but I...

And Away We Go

We have hit the road rolling. We are on the way to Chicago, then Rome, then Athens. All in the next 36 hours! We are thankful for you, for your love, for your support, for your encouragement, for your prayers. This is going to be an amazing adventure. As we begin, we have all been reminded of these things . . . 1 - Be present. We have challenged ourselves to be present with ourselves, with one another, with this experience, with the locations, with the God who will meet us there. 2 - Move toward one another. Move toward that which we are experiencing. 3 - Make sure that no one is left behind, left out, left on the sidelines. 4 - Care 5 - Ask your question and then ask the better question that is resting within your first question. 6 - Be open. 7 - See from someone else's perspective. Join us on our adventure. Pray for us while we are away. We are thankful!


Sometimes decisions must be made for the good of the whole not just the one or even the some. This is what it means to live in community. This is what it means to see need beyond one's own. This is what it means to understand that we have an effect on one another. This is what it means to live in humility. This is what it means to love our collective humanity. This is what it means to honor the world shared by all. "The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork." Psalm 19:1


Enough (a poem) Enough! . . . enough. People of humanity . . . People of faith . . . People concerned with the greater good . . . Let us move toward that which represents our better selves individually, collectively. Let us move toward one another with understanding not accusation. Let us move toward one another with acceptance not rejection. Let us move toward one another with mercy not retribution. Let us move toward one another with justice not judgement. Let us move toward one another with kindness not suspicion. Let us move toward one another with tenderness not disdain. Let us move toward one another with love not animosity. Let us move toward one another. There is enough to go around. --bss2017