Theotokos (a poem)

To know 
the things you undoubtedly know . . . 
To have 
the courage that you possess . . . 
To persist 
in the face of the patriarchy . . . 
To sing 
a song of deliverance from the depths of oppression . . . 
To speak 
against the systems of injustice for all of the marginalized . . . 
To nourish 
the entirety of creation within your womb . . . 
To magnify 
the one who shares your blood as the promise for all . . . 
To voice 
truth to the divine presence suspended in your amniotic fluid . . . 
To see 
beyond the uncertainty of this moment into the certainty of a promised tomorrow living as if it is today . . . 
To expect 
the unexpected hope, peace, joy, and love . . . 
  — bshivers 


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