Of Zeus, Apollo, and Paul

Today was an incredible adventure.

An hour and a half drive found us at the Corinthian Canal completed in the 19th century. It allows sailors to cut over 140 nautical miles off of their journey. In antiquity, sailors would unload their cpships in one port, roll their ships across the land on wheels, and put the ship back into the water on the other side. This is what made Corinth such an importent city in Greek and Roman history.

We got back on our motor coach with our faithful driver Dimitri to head to Nemea. This was a site of ancient games, the only athlete bath ever discovered in Greece, and the oldest temple of Zeus discovered in Greece. It was beautiful and an unbelievable experience to be standing on that temple site.

After an amazing lunch looking over the ruins of ancient Corinth, we toured the ruins, stood beside the Temple of Apollo, saw the store from which Paul may have had his tentmaking shop, celebrated communion together (in the community to which Paul wrote what we know as the words of institution in 1 Corinthians 11), and walked the ancient streets.

We headed back to Athens to get ready for a beautiful dinner and a time of exploring the Plaka. Maybe some Greek dancing. And of course eating gelato!

What an amazing full day.

We are excited about what tomorrow might hold for us. Pray as we meet another day together.


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