A Prayer for Palm/Passion Sunday

Prayers of the People (a prayer offered at Northminster Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis on March 24, 2024 - Palm/Passion Sunday) We have shouted our Hosannas and lauded you as the victor. We have waved our palm branches before you, the One who humbly entered the city on the back of the foal of a donkey. We joined the throngs in song and celebration. We were certain that you would pave the way for us to the seat of power and that position would in turn make us powerful. So we follow you into the heart of every city. And if we are honest, we want to be seen, to have influence. We want access to the decision makers and the powerbrokers because we followed you. But Lord, you show us another way. You help us to see what true power looks like; power given away, power in submission, power in kneeling, power in weakness, power in dying to the ways the masses' desire power and access. Teach us your ways, O Christ. You emptied yourself. In your humanity, through your humility, you gave us...